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Bold Vision Demands
Bold Representation

Navigating high-stakes legal disputes in Michigan and nationwide.
We make your problem our problem until threats are defeated and your business is secure.

Sailboat navigating the legal waters

Trade Secret Protection

Intellectual Property Litigation

Business Breakups & Owner Disputes

Don't Let a Crisis Leave You Exposed

An employee walks out the door with your hard-won trade secrets. A competitor steals your brands, designs, or technology. A business partner freezes you out and wreaks havoc on your company.

These are just a few of the threats your business can face. Threats that can cut into profits, arrest your growth, and damage your reputation. Threats that can hit hard when you least expect it.

You deserve a law firm that understands your challenges and is ready to fight for everything you've built.

What Sets Us Apart

Relentless intensity is our watchword. We craft a made-for-you strategy designed to gain leverage and control—and we relentlessly execute that strategy from start to finish.

Our firm prepares each and every case like it is going to trial from day one, because experience has shown that trial-readiness is the surest way to drive outcomes. While no result is ever guaranteed, our relentless intensity gives our clients an unmatched edge.

We don't build our success by churning through endless cases, and we don't rely on a sea of nameless associates to get the job done. We get to know you. We'll answer your questions, keep you in the loop, and offer solutions tailored to your unique situation.

One of our favorite testimonials came from a client who praised our “compassion balanced with fierce advocacy.” You can feel confident knowing that we are both listening to you and aggressively moving your case forward to advance your interests.

We bring a wealth of experience to the table. We know how to build a case, we're ready for the fiercest opponents, and we thrive on complex facts and novel question of law.

But we won’t waste your money over-lawyering your case like big law firms do. We'll put together the right team and the right plan for your case. In other words, we won't use a sledgehammer to crack a nut—but we've got the hammer ready when it's needed.

Maxwell Goss Portrait

How We Tackle Your Problem


Set up a strategy call. We meet with you to learn the challenges you are facing and understand exactly what you want to accomplish.


Develop an action plan. We gather the facts, analyze them from all angles, and work with you to devise an action plan tailored to your objectives.


Execute for results. We roll our sleeves up and work relentlessly to achieve the best possible outcome, all while gathering your input and keeping you apprised.

Cases We Handle

We help companies and professionals protect what they've built and achieve greater success by offering litigation services and strategic counseling in all areas of IP and business law. Our principal focus areas are:

What Clients Say About
Goss Law Group

"Max Goss is a thorough, kind and strong advocate for truth. His willingness to be available throughout the case provided peace and comfort in a sea of unknowns."

Civil Litigation Client

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You Need a Law Firm That Thinks Like You

Bold vision got your business where it is today. When a crisis threatens, you need an advocate known for forceful advocacy and creative solutions. Schedule a call and see how Goss Law Group can help your business thrive.

Michigan Bridge