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Business and IP Counseling

Birmingham MI Business and IP Counseling Lawyer

Offering Business and IP Counseling Services to Birmingham Companies

From forming or acquiring the right kind of business entity to intellectual property disputes and mergers and acquisitions, experienced business and IP counseling legal services can go a long way to ensuring that you have a successful and hassle-free business operation on your hands.

Birmingham business and IP counseling lawyer Maxwell Goss of Goss Law Group can assist you with confronting and resolving various issues that may arise during the course of a business enterprise. We can also assist you with business compliance and regulatory issues. Finally, in the event a dispute arises during the course of your business enterprise, we can assist you with resolving the dispute, and if necessary, litigating the dispute in the court system to a successful conclusion. Please call us today to find out more about how we can counsel you on your business and IP needs.

Forming and Acquiring a Business

When it comes to business formation, there are numerous options that are available in the State of Michigan. Some of these business entities include sole proprietorships, partnerships, various types of corporations, and limited liability companies. At Goss Law Group, we can counsel you on which type of business structure is best for you and your business and can assist you with taking the legal steps necessary to actually set up and establish your business.

Disputes among Shareholders, Officers, and Directors

In the corporate setting, disputes sometimes arise between the officers and directors of a corporation and the shareholders – or between the shareholders themselves. In some instances, these disputes involve breaches of fiduciary duties. When it comes to shareholders, disputes often arise when the majority shareholders abuse their power and act in a way that is contrary to the minority shareholders and the corporation. In the context of a limited liability company (LLC), disputes sometimes arise among members of the LLC.

Our law firm can counsel you on how to resolve these disputes without litigation. If that does not work, we can assist you with litigating the dispute in the court system to a conclusion.

Regulatory Compliance

Business regulations, especially those pertaining to the internet and technology, are often put forth by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). It is important that business entities comply with these regulations, or they may face significant financial harm and other penalties. Our business attorney can help to ensure that your business is compliant with all of the applicable state and federal regulations that are in place.

Intellectual Property Disputes

Oftentimes, business disputes arise over copyright infringements and the unauthorized use of a company’s intellectual property or trade secrets. At Goss Law Group, we handle all types of IP matters for your company, and we will work to resolve a pending intellectual property dispute in the most effective and efficient manner on your behalf, contact us today.

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Business Counseling Client